Monday, November 29, 2010

The Tithe & The Coin

I have gone back and forth over the years with tithing.  My wife and I have done it at times, but never on a consistent basis by any means.  My brother has been consistent in his belief to be obedient in tithing and will tell anyone who will lend an ear, that he and his family have never wanted, as he has been obedient, and God has seen to provide.
In August of this year we started tithing a percentage of the money we had coming in.  It was an amount that felt right, but a little uncomfortable at the same time.  We wanted to be cheerful givers, and not out of guilt.  We also wanted to support the place where we get spiritually fed, and where we give a lot of time through volunteering for different ministries they offer.
Fast forward 3 months and money was still tight, and is still tight.  My wife and I had just given our third month of tithe and boom an argument struck one Sunday after church.  It was one of those stress induced, doubt filled, faith arguments.  We got things settled as best we could and the rest of the day was as normal as possible.
The next morning while reading news and looking at e-mail, I decided for some reason to go out to where I used to buy coins and other PM's for hobby more than anything.  I had gotten an e-mail like every other week, but this time for some reason I went to their site to look at coins.
I still has several coins in my night stand that I had bought several years back and figured I might as well see if they were worth anything.  Both had increased in value, but one had gone up in value so much I almost did not believe my eyes.
Without going into great detail and making this any longer than need be, I will just say that a coin I had bought for $79 was now sold on eBay that week, two days after the discovery for $1300.  I called my brother who I had given one to for a birthday present as well, and he was shocked as you might imagine.  So the coin had given us back our 3 months of tithe plus another month we had not given.
We continue to tithe and between the coin and my trading, my trading account is up close to 300% since we started tithing and being obedient to God in this area.  Our long term goal is to increase our tithe as we have the ability to do so, or just stretch a little so the comfort level is always breached just a bit.  We want to  use money for good, and to help others that really need help.

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