Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Pity Party and Why I am Not Going Anymore

I have not posted in a while now, mainly because I have kids and other responsibilities that keep me busy enough outside of trading, and keeps me from having extra time to be writing.  With that being said, I did find time this morning to post on the 'rut' I have been in for close to 5 weeks now.  I think I may be turning the corner though and getting back on my feet as of this week, or at least I am feeling a little more confident in my decision making.
I have been tracking my weekly gains/losses now since October of 2010.  That was the moment I realized finding a job after being jobless for 9 months was probably not as good a prospect as concentrating on trading for a living with a small account.  I figured after having been involved with some sort of trading for 6 years, I could probably get by at least even if only making 300-500 dollars a week.  Yes a small income indeed, but when you consider I was at one time making anywhere in the 60-90k a year range, and now the best job offers were for much, much less, trading seemed the right decision.
So I managed to build my account up rather nicely during the last 3-4 months of 2010, and then my wife added some money to my account so I could trade full time after her 401k had grown enough to make it worth it.  January through March were good to me, but then came April.  Wake up and smell the coffee!!
April was the hardest month I have had so far since last October, and I almost got down on myself.  I started feeling sorry for myself and doubting my abilities.  It was not my abilities so much, but my lack of discipline in the current market environment and my decisions during that time.  It took me all of April to realize that sometimes even the best in their vocation hit a slump.  I had not 'blown up' my account, and we were not doing without.
May has now rolled around and the tape is still choppy, and I still make the here and there dumb decision, but they are getting to be less of my choices now.  I realize that each week the market presents opportunities, and it is a matter of finding them and capitalizing on them.
I am blessed in so many more ways with a great family, friends, food, shelter, waking each morning and so many other blessings we over look each day.  I would like to make more money each week than I do, and am fortunate enough that I have a job where I can get a raise any time I choose, although I have to make the right choices.  I can take a day off without guilt, eat lunch with my wife or kids any day I choose, or volunteer to do something at church because I can.
So no more Pity Party for me.  I need to refocus on my efforts and remember that I am lucky to be doing what I am doing, and that I have the abilities that God has given me.  I hope to write again in a few weeks and give a much different result of my trading efforts than April saw.

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